Sunday, August 15, 2010

Personal Landmines

I have been over the years busy with a number of MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) ventures and have never really succeeded. This is even though a number of people have told me that I should be great at it. I always wondered why I never really got anyplace until recently,
when I looked at an old slide that was part of a briefing that was given to show which road to take to success.

It showed that there was one road that lead to a dead-end, one to success, and the third one was full of holes that we can fall into and not get out of or at least slow us down so much that we would not get far very fast. But I have come to the realization that they weren't pot holes to me but my own landmines.

It seems that every time I would come close to doing the right thing I would throw a landmine in my way to insure that I would not make it. I know that I have not really learned to stop throwing the landmines, but I do have to make sure that those I throw would be thrown in the direction of my competition, not my road.

So I was wondering if you ever considered that sometimes you are not successful in what you want to do in that you are throwing those "landmines" in your own way.

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