Friday, August 20, 2010

Government Spending

Did you know that Arthur R. Albohn was known in the New Jersey General Assembly as "Dr. No" for his consistent pattern of voting against legislation that included unnecessary spending? How come we have never heard about anyone else in the US government that was so set against unnecessary spending.

As in my previous blog I wrote about the Senators and Representatives voting themselves a 3% raise. I really don't think they need another one, as they get one automatically every year without having to vote on it. They did this back in the 70's or 80's and they never asked the voters, you, me, your parents or friends, if they had permission to do this. They have all gone by the assumption that because they were in Washington, they didn't need to ask us any more as we voted them into office, right?

Also did you know that if the Representatives serve two terms that they get a retirement check for the rest of their life? Not too bad, but it's 100% of their salary and it goes up just like the salary the new Reps get. This is also valid for the Senators too.

Next, did you know that their dining facility serves a steak dinner for less then $2.00. That's because all their food comes from the surpless supplies that the US Government keeps for emergencies and school programs. Never heard of them giving any of that to those that are homeless. Its funny that those people have 10 to 15 people helping them run their office when at the end of WWII they only had 2. My how things have gotten so much busier, now that they have to deal with all those consultants who are trying to get a better deal for their companies (yes they represent more than one and get paid by each and every company they represent).

The Government would be all in jail for Conspiracy to defraud all of the US people, if anyone would have the guts to sue them. But that would take a lawyer and you know that most of the Reps and Senators are lawyers so they know how to keep out of jail. THEY are the US Government?

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